Dorn Directory Canada
Dorn Directory - Canada
This Directory is not a recommendation about a Therapist it is only intended as General Information.
» If you are a Dorn Method Practitioner and you want to be listed here in this Directory please e-mail me your Details and I will be glad to add your Name if necessary requirements are fulfilled.
To be listed in this Directory requires a recommendation (approval) of an authorized DORN Instructor
(» Minimum a Basic Training plus a review or advanced training must be confirmed)
» If you like to be listed in this directory please contact me for details.
Amaro Hograefer, #5 - 1465 Lameys Mill Rd, BC V6H 3W1 Vancouver, Tel: (604)736-1676 Fax: , e-mail:
Azita Wortmann, Dorn Method Practitioner, e-mail:,, Tel. (1) 416 466 6617, 124 Alton Ave, Toronto, Canada
Koerten Angela, Dorn Method Instructor, Box 4176 Banff Alberta T1L 1E6 Canada
Home phone: 1403 762 8321, Cell phone: 1403 762 7985
Email: oder
» Includes a List of some more Dorn Method Practitioners in Canada!
Ananda Jamieson-Schwarzbach, Dorn Method Health Coach for People and Animals
Revelstoke BC, tel. nr. 250 837 4005
trained by Thomas Zudrell
Brigitte Barrette, Physiotherapist (PHT), Dorn Method Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner
Dorn Physio Chelsea, 10 Chemin Héritage, Chelsea, Quebec, J9B 1L9, Canada
Tel: 819-607-0736, email:
Rivkah Roth, DO DNM DAc DTCM, Natural Medicine Centre, Health Care for Prevention-Rehabilitation-Optimization
Rural Route 2, Kettleby Ontario, L0G 1J0 - CANADA
Cell 416-262-7118, Office 905-726-3343, Fax 905-726-1267,, Info Lenses
Karima Ajani-Nanji, Master Level Dorn Method practitioner
Toronto, Canada
telephone: +97155 5902659
Nelson Arenillo, Dorn Method practitioner
810 Tonquin Street T0E1E0 Jasper, Alberta, CANADA
Phone: 1-780-931-6729
» If you like to be listed in this directory please contact me for details.
New: DORN selfhelp exercises webapp
NOTE: Never try to use the DORN Method on other people without proper training best conducted by an authorized DORN Method Instructor. Although the DORN Method and the Self Help Exercises are very safe if done correctly, the DORN practitioner is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the application during the manual session and Selfhelp exercises. In any case it is advised to consult your doctor first because health problems and back pains may have other causes than misaligned joints and vertebrae and should be checked by a trained medical doctor or other healthcare professional. The DORN Method has certain Limitations that must be cleared prior to any practical application! Remember: The DORN Method is NO Replacement for any other form of medical or non-medical treatment but it can be a very effective complement in an integrative medical system.