Dorn Directory Chile
Dorn Directory - Chile
This Directory is not a recommendation about a Therapist it is only intended as General Information.
» If you are a Dorn Method Practitioner and you want to be listed here in this Directory please e-mail me your Details and I will be glad to add your Name if necessary requirements are fulfilled.
To be listed in this Directory requires a recommendation (approval) of an authorized DORN Instructor
(» Minimum a Basic Training plus a review or advanced training must be confirmed)
» If you like to be listed in this directory please contact me for details.
Hugo A. Lobato (Dorn Method Instructor and Initiator Dorn Method Uruguay)
AHHAI Affiliate Intructor for South and Center America
Trabajo 2762, Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel. (598)27093681, Cel. 099581880
Basic and Advanced Seminar participants:
Carlos Carvajal Araneda, 9342 0063,, Pnl-Masajes-Biomagnetismo-Osteopatía bioenergética celular-Reflexología-Flores de bach-Reiki-Terapia Kambo-Rape Santiago, Chile |
Carlos Alberto Rozas Zapata, 6282 8919 55 237 4558,, Paramédico-Reflexólogo podal-Ventosaterapia-Masaje corporal-Biomagnetismo-Masaje craneo facial Antofagasta, Chile |
Carmen García Chavez, 9221 4020,,, Facioterapia Dien Chan-Biomagnetismo-Reiki-Estéética corporal-Cosmetología Santiago, Chile |
Erika Herczeg, 9232 8949 2263477937,, Santiago, Chile |
Hermann Schwember Salas, 4247 9697,, Instructor Aerobox y Speening, Asistente Adulto Mayor Puerto Montt, Chile |
Karina Angel, 9789 0919 52 236 5547,, Apiterapeuta avanzado-Masoterapeuta Copiapó, Chile |
Lorena Castillo Allier, 6828 4604 22326359,, Nutricionista y Dietética Ortomolecular-Paramédico-Iridóloga-Homeópata-Masoterapeuta-Reflexóloga facial, podal y palmar Santiago, Chile |
Ma. Antonieta Ainol, 9880 9353 61 2 638 142,, Prof. Educación Física-Biomagnetismo-Auriculoterapia-Ictioterapia-AQUASPA URBANO-Limpieza de chakras-Masajes pindas-Piedras calientes Punta Arenas, Chile |
Ma. Elena Solis, 9829 6222 22350735,, Quiropráctico-Quiromasajista-Reflexología podal Santiago, Chile |
Magaly Cáceres, 4287 0339,, Reflexología podal-Masaje craneal-Yoga Quilpué, Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile |
María Valenzuela, 7307 7739,, Reflexología podal y palmar-Masaje relajación Valparaiso, Chile |
Mario Véliz Moraga, 8241 4992 752550095,,, Quiropráctico-Paramédico Curicó, Chile |
Marlene García Ascencio, 5229 4309 75550095,, Paramédico Curicó, Chile |
Nadia María Núñez Oyarce, 6246 6943,, Técnico en enfermería de nivel superior Curicó-Hualañé, Región del Maule, Chile |
Richard Reyes Veloso, 6193 5240,, Motivador Panguipulli (Región de los Ríos - Valdivia -Villarrica), Chile |
Basic seminar participants:
Adriana Perisse De Oliveira, 987719110 231547,9, Acupuntura, Masaje Terapeutico Temuco, Chile
Mónica Marisol Perez Santander, 89809258 2244855,, Cosmetologa, Esteticista Integral, Masoterapeuta Temuco, Chile
Ricardo Zapata, 9217 1772,, Auriculoterapia Santiago, Chile
» If you like to be listed in this directory please contact me for details.
New: DORN selfhelp exercises webapp
NOTE: Never try to use the DORN Method on other people without proper training best conducted by an authorized DORN Method Instructor. Although the DORN Method and the Self Help Exercises are very safe if done correctly, the DORN practitioner is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the application during the manual session and Selfhelp exercises. In any case it is advised to consult your doctor first because health problems and back pains may have other causes than misaligned joints and vertebrae and should be checked by a trained medical doctor or other healthcare professional. The DORN Method has certain Limitations that must be cleared prior to any practical application! Remember: The DORN Method is NO Replacement for any other form of medical or non-medical treatment but it can be a very effective complement in an integrative medical system.